16 July 2024

Argentina vs Colombia 1-0 - Copa America Final 2024

(That video is privated now.)

In Thailand, all attention is on the Euro.  So I knew almost nothing about Copa America. 

Even though h0ngcom is a Biyadi fan, I didn't know that Biyadi is a sponsor of Copa America 2024. We only know that Biyadi is a sponsor of Euro 2024, because in Thailand and in many other countries, it tells us just that.

Euro 2024 has too many Chinese sponsors. So I think some people avoiding Euro this year. I don't know that changing from watch Euro to watch Copa this year can't flee from Biyadi logo.

Copa America 2024 is in the USA. The country that banned Huawei. But not banning Biyadi logo! So contradictory! Biyadi may be more of a threat to the US than Huawei.

Holy shit! We can't flee from that logo!

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